Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Hey You Finally Did

I know the first time that I decided to forget you, it's hard and I think maybe I can't do that.NO matter how long I've tried or how hard I've tried.But, somehow I did this time :D yaaayy I'm free now.That feeling dissapear and I'm glad.

I know that time is the key that I need to fix the mess in my heart.You can't just forget someone in a second especially if that person is the one for you.You need time, strong heart, pain, tears and a lot of tissues.Crying is just the begginning to let go someone.If you cry doesn't mean you're weak.Crying is an ususal thing for human, especially girl.It means you appreciate every moments that you and him/her made.It shows how much you love him/her.

After crying for long time, you will realize something.Something that will directs you to the decision I HAVE TO FORGET YOU NOW.He was the precious one for you but it happened in the past.Now, he just a little piece memory of your childhood romance that you need to throw away to the garbage.You are the better person without him.

After you through that thing you will be free.And you can enjoy your life.You'll feeling better.Like I feel now :)

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Move On Guys

I know it's been a long time since the last time I saw you.Since the last time we talked.I never see you again since that time.But, somehow the memories about never gone or even faded.That memories even being clearer.

I remeber every single days that we spent together.We used to see each other.We used to talk together.You used to make me smile.And do much stupid things.Maybe that's the reason I keep thinking about you.Have you ever think about me as much as I do ? I guess not.I even doubt you remember our old days.

I've tried to grow up and forget the past.But, I always come back to that time.The time when we were so close.You was my friend, my enemy, my hero and my everything.But now you're gone.And I'm trying to accept it and let it go.Because, I want to move on and be happy.

I realize something just because when you miss someone, doesn't mean you need them back in your life.Missing is juat a part of move on.I don't want to stuck in the past.I still have so much things to do.And I can start to make my dreams come true with move on :)

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013


Rêve artinya mimpi.Semua orang pasti punya mimpi yang ingin mereka wujudkan.Bisa saja kita bermimpi pergi ke luar negri, bermimpi jadi orang kaya, artis terkenal atau mungkin bermimpi menjadi orang sukses.Bisa saja.Kita bebas bermimpi tanpa ada orang yang melarang.Walaupun terlihat sulit dan tidak mungkin tapi kita harus terus berusaha untuk meraihnya.Karena, percayalah suatu hari nanti semua itu akan terwujud.
Jangan takut untuk mengakui bahwa kamu adalah seorang pemimpi.Karena dari sanalah semuanya akan menjadi kenyataan.Mimpi - mimpi itu akan membuatmu memiliki sesuatu yang berarti, sesuatu yang membuatmu ingin melakukan yang terbaik, sesuatu yang akan membuktikan bahwa kamu bisa dan mampu melawan semua perkatan orang yang tidak percaya tentang mimpi mu.

sebuah mimpi yang besar memerlukan usaha,doa serta yang terpenting semangat untuk mewujudkannya.Dream.believe.try.and make it happen :)